
Introducing Hybrid360

A smart engine that synthesizes raw interviews to uncover insights and save hours in creating 360 reports


Customized Executive 360 Reports in Three Easy Steps

Step 1

Upload 360 interview audio recordings, transcripts, or notes


Step 2

Select the themes and content you want in your report


Step 3

Review, make updates to, and download an editable draft of your 360 Report.


Additional tools
for more impact


Coach Copilot

Ask questions and discover patterns at the intersection of your client's 360, personality assessments, coaching notes, etc.


Team Coaching Copilot

Analyze 360s and personalities across multiple leaders and role-play dynamics between executives based upon their leadership styles.


Coaching Chat

Uncover new insights about yourself by questions triangulated from personality tests, assessments, and colleague feedback

Trusted by leading
coaching organizations

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The advent of Generative AI is going to change the future of coaching. More and more things in coaching are going to be technologically enabled and Hybrid360 is a pioneer in the space.

Dr. Marshall Goldsmith

Security and Data Protection



At Hybrid360, safeguarding your data is a top priority. We adhere to the top industry standards to secure your data, maintaining your privacy and confidentiality.

Hybrid360 is SSL-certified and operates exclusively via SSL-encrypted connections to ensure maximum data security.

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